Author: Kia Primack

Hummingbirds and falcons are both incredible birds known for their speed and agility in flight. But which of these birds is actually faster? There are a few key factors to consider when comparing the airspeed velocity of hummingbirds versus falcons. Wingspan and Body Size In general, larger birds with bigger wingspans can fly faster than smaller birds. Falcons have much larger bodies and wingspans compared to hummingbirds. The wingspan of a peregrine falcon ranges from about 3 to 4 feet, while a hummingbird’s wingspan is only about 3 to 5 inches. The larger surface area of a falcon’s wings provides…

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Hummingbirds are amazing little creatures that bring joy to backyard birders. Their tiny size, flashy colors, and incredible flying skills make them a delight to watch. However, one challenge many hummingbird lovers face is how to keep these birds visiting their feeders during the winter months when many hummingbirds migrate south. Why do hummingbirds migrate in winter? Hummingbirds are migratory birds that nest in North America during the spring and summer. As temperatures drop in fall, most hummingbird species migrate south to warmer climates in Mexico and Central America. There are a couple reasons why hummingbirds migrate: Lack of food…

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Hummingbirds are some of the smallest and most colorful birds found in nature. With over 300 different species, hummingbirds display an incredible diversity in plumage, behavior, habitat, and more. While telling apart different species of hummingbirds can be challenging enough, how does one identify individual hummingbirds within a species or population? This guide will explore the key methods used to distinguish individual hummingbirds in the field. Why Identify Individual Hummingbirds? When studying hummingbirds, scientists and researchers often want to identify individuals within a population in order to track migratory patterns, behavior, breeding habits, and more. By attaching leg bands or…

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Orioles and hummingbirds have some similarities when it comes to their diets, but there are also some key differences between what orioles eat compared to hummingbirds. Both orioles and hummingbirds will visit bird feeders containing sugar water (also called nectar), which provides an important source of energy for these busy birds. However, the specific type of sugar water solution that orioles prefer is different than the mix that attracts hummingbirds. Do orioles drink sugar water? Yes, orioles do drink sugar water. Orioles have a taste for sweets and are drawn to sugary food sources. During the spring and summer months…

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Hummingbirds are some of the most fascinating birds found in nature. Known for their small size, beautiful colors, and ability to hover in midair while drinking nectar from flowers, hummingbirds capture the imagination of nature lovers everywhere. One question that often comes up about hummingbirds is whether they stay in certain areas year-round or migrate to warmer climates for the winter. For those living in or visiting Central Florida, it is especially relevant to know if hummingbirds are present all year or only during certain seasons. In this article, we will explore the answer to the question “Are hummingbirds in…

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The answer to whether the famous Hummingbird Highway in Belize is paved or not requires looking at the history and current state of this scenic road. The Hummingbird Highway connects the capital city of Belmopan to the southern district of Dangriga, winding through the Maya Mountains and offering spectacular views. While parts of it remain unpaved, efforts in recent years have gone towards paving more sections to improve accessibility along this important transportation route. History of the Hummingbird Highway The Hummingbird Highway was built in the early 1950s by a German agricultural company as a farm road to transport produce…

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Agastache, also known as anise hyssop or hummingbird mint, is a perennial plant in the mint family that produces spikes of tubular flowers in summer. Many gardeners are interested in planting Agastache in their gardens to attract pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies. A common question is whether Agastache can be planted in the fall. The short answer is yes, Agastache can be planted in the fall in most regions. However, the exact timing and technique depends on your USDA Hardiness Zone and first expected frost date. In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the ideal…

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Buzzards are large birds of prey that are part of the Buteo genus. There are around 28 species of buzzard found worldwide. Some of the most common buzzard species include the common buzzard, red-tailed hawk, rough-legged buzzard, and ferruginous hawk. Buzzards have distinct feathers that serve important purposes for the bird’s survival. Appearance of Buzzard Feathers Buzzard feathers have the following general characteristics: Large size – Buzzard feathers are generally large, reflecting the big size of these birds. Their body feathers and flight feathers have long vanes and shafts to provide ample coverage and surface area. Sturdy structure – The…

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The bird that looks like a mango is known as the Turaco. Turacos are brightly colored forest birds found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. With their bright yellow and green plumage, it’s easy to see why they are often compared to the colorful tropical mango fruit. Quick Facts about the Turaco Here are some quick facts about the Turaco: There are 23 different species of Turaco. Turacos are medium-sized birds, ranging from 12 to 24 inches long. Their bright yellow and green feathers stand out against the forest canopy. Turacos have short, thick beaks well-suited for eating fruits. They feed primarily on…

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Yes, there are hummingbirds found in southern Delaware. The most common hummingbird species seen in the state is the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds are found across Eastern North America and migrate through Delaware each spring and fall as they travel between their wintering grounds in Central America and their breeding grounds farther north. Ruby-throated Hummingbird The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) is the most widespread and commonly observed hummingbird in Delaware. They are bright green on the back and white underneath, with the adult males having a distinctive ruby red throat. Ruby-throats arrive in Delaware in early April as they migrate…

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